So today I thought i would share with you my favourite lip stains for autumn at the moment.
Hair, Beauty and Lifestyle
extract beauty

Tuesday, 10 November 2015
The best autumn colour inspired lip stains I have ever tried...
So today I thought i would share with you my favourite lip stains for autumn at the moment.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Product ideas...
So I know its early to think about Christmas but I've recently been looking for what to ask my parents for. They always nag me around this time of the year to start writing a wish list. Are any of your parents like that? Anyways, I've really been struggling on what to ask for :( I've been eyeing up some Mac goodies for ages now but I don't know if they are nworth the money. I've been looking at there concealers and foundations and also two lipsticks: media and stone, let me know if you've tried them and what they're like please beauties :*
I've also been looking at the Ben nye powders, the bannana and cameo ones but I've heard a few youtubers say those powders feel really heavy on the skin so I'm not sure if I'll like them either. I've also been looking at things to start a baisic kit as I want to start freelance makeup artistry, I haven't got a full qualification yet but I am going through beauty school and the thought of doing freelance makeup really appeals to me, what make up products do you like the most? Let me know your thoughts on everything down below or feel free to email my gmail :*
Love you beauties <3
...extract beauty...
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
20 facts about me tag
So I thought I'd do a 20 facts about me today :)
Hope you enjoy <3
1) my name is amy
2) I would prefer if my name was spelt Aimee
3) my friends call me Jamie because my middle name starts with a J
4) I have blond hair
5) I have blue eyes
6) I am 16
7) I do a hair and beauty course at college
8) my favourite drinks are apple tango and still vimto
7) I am more or less a typical girl
8) although I love screamo music
9) I listen to more or less any type of music
10) I wear glasses
11) I really want contact lenses
12) I've always loved the concept of theatrical makeup
13) I absolutely adore makeup and spend most of my money on it
14) I have a takeaway every Saturday with my parents and grandparents
15) I strangely would love to have a weekend job
16) I have 2 pets, a hamster and a dog
17) I would love an i phone but I am stuck with an oldish Samsung because I keep breaking my phones :(
18) I love KFC and McDonald's
19) I love fruit just as much as fatty foods
20) I live in England where we only have sun for two weeks a year more or less
Be sure to check out other posts guys,
Love ya
...extract beauty...